Earlier this week, the Falcons coach Brad Larson addressed the Falcons 3 game loosing str..."/> Earlier this week, the Falcons coach Brad Larson addressed the Falcons 3 game loosing str..."/>

Springfield Falcons Make Huge Comback, Win 5-4


Earlier this week, the Falcons coach Brad Larson addressed the Falcons 3 game loosing streak. In a media interview, Larson as all good coaches and media presenters, minimized the 3 losses in more or less saying that the fortunes of war are such that you have to lose sometimes. Continuing he noted that the Birds had a few things to touch up on during practice, but the team has talent, character, and comradeship and a no quit attitude.

We blue Jacket fans are neophytes in the nuances of the AHL and the Springfield Falcons. From the Falcons team site we get this quote:

"Prior to Holden’s goal, the Falcons had played 141 minutes and 44 seconds of hockey in Manchester without scoring a goal, as Springfield was shut out in its most recent appearance at the Verizon Wireless Arena on Mar. 9, 2012.And this quote relative to the Monarch’s arena: The Falcons had earned only eight wins in their first 47 games at the Verizon Wireless Arena."

Jackets fans identify…… This is the Falcons equivalent to the Blue Jackets and Nashville’s arena. But last night the Birds failed to read the script. Coming from 3 goals down in the 3rd period, the Falcons scored 5 goals to win. The final goal, was a shorthander by Captain Ryan Craig. The results came from up and down the lineup. [actually Craig got the last 2 goals] The great thing is that the Falcons did not quit. They dug in and won. This is a fantastic character and attitude builder.

Box Score
